For more than two months I have been carefully watching my diet. Yup, I'm trying to loose some weight...heavy breakfast, bread for lunch, vegetable salad and some viand for dinner and of course 15 minutes exercise in the evening. My hard work did pay-off because I now fit in size 12 pants and shirts (believe me I was size 16 before lucky if I can fit in size 14!). Recently, I came to realize that I am depriving myself of the only thing I loved most...FOOD!
Ever since, I love to go to different restaurants and try their specialties. I can finish 6 slices of pizza plus a bowl of pasta. Sweets alleviate stress from work and at home (STRESSED spell it the other way around is DESSERTS!) and a few pieces of potato chips help me have a goodnight sleep ;). What make me decided to cut all of these "good" stuff? Oh, I was so intimidated of this lady who in her late fifties can still wear body-hugging clothes! And of course she does not look like she's in her late fifties!
To Diet or Not To Diet? But come to think of it, during the Renaissance period, you can't find any paintings or sculptures of a woman who is skinny. Most of them have "curvy" bodies just like mine :). This thinking boost my confidence and self-esteem. If only Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Bellini, Raphael were alive today they'll surely be very eager to get me as their model...hehehehe...
Caprese Chicken
6 years ago