Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Time is Gold

Time flies so fast! Imagine it's almost the end of the 1st quarter for 2007. Soon you can hear Christmas carols being played on the radio.

Being a mother, I always remind my kids to use their time wisely. I told them how precious time is and that it will not stop and wait for them. Why I am telling this to them, because I realized that I haven't used my time well.

I have 3 beautiful children but I wasn't there when they first smiled, when they first sit, when they first stand and when they took their first big step. Where am I during those times, at work. I am so scared that I could not give them the best in this world. That's why I told my self I need to work hard for them. But I was wrong...

There are things that can wait and will eventually happen. There are things that cannot wait and they just happen. It is a matter of how well you prioritized things. If only I can bring back the past, I will give more focus on being a mum. I'll make sure that I will always be there for my children.

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